Clicking the Top of chapter icon returns you to the beginning of
the current chapter or topic.
Clicking the Top of topic icon returns you to the beginning of the
current topic.
The previous and next arrows allow you to move forward or
backward from topic to topic.
Finding a Topic Quickly
As in a printed book, to find a particular topic you can either
search the index or use the table of contents.
In addition to providing an index and table of contents, the elec-
tronic User's Guide maintains a list of all the words in the book. If
the index and table of contents do not contain the word you're
looking for, try the Find option. You can search the current topic
or the entire User's Guide. Follow these steps:
1 Click Find.
The book displays a box for you to enter the word or phrase.
2 Enter the word or phrase and press Enter or click Search.
Find displays a list of all the sections that contain this term.
3 Select the section you wish to read and press Enter.
Find displays the section.
Reading a Topic
If the topic contains more text than will fit on the screen, use the
scroll bar to read the additional text.
When you get to the end of the topic, click the next arrow to go to
the next topic or the previous arrow to the go to the previous topic.
Clicking the next arrow takes you through the electronic book in
the same sequence as the printed book.
Part I: Getting To Know Your Computer
Using The Electronic Guide
Finding a Topic Quickly