Keeping Your Files Safe
Viruses and How To Cure Them
If you're using an optional NoteDock, you'll want to purchase two
of these cables: one for the computer and another for the
Viruses and How To Cure Them
Over the last few years, there have been a number of computer
virus scares. Pranksters with too much time on their hands find
perverse pleasure in unleashing these potentially destructive pro-
grams on the general public.
Viruses, while a potential problem, don't need to have a devastat-
ing effect on your computer. By taking a few simple precautions,
you can avoid infection. And, by making sure you have a complete
backup of all your programs and data files, you can ensure a
speedy recovery if you do run into problems.
There are many virus detection/removal programs available. Ask
your dealer for help in selecting one that adequately meets your