Taking Your Computer on the Road
Running the Computer on Battery Power
Critical Bat teryAlarm
Your computer's battery po wer is lo w.
You have approximately 0 minutes le ft
on this battery.
The Critical Battery Alarm warning
When this alarm goes off, start planning your remaining battery
time carefully. No frantic actions are required yet, but it's a good
idea to begin to think about what you absolutely must do before
you find a place to plug in the power cord or turn the computer off.
To close the Alarm dialog box, choose OK. To set the level of
charge that sets off this warning, see "Setting the Alarms" on
page 132.
The Emergency Battery Alert
OK. Now it's serious. When the battery runs down and you have
only about five minutes of time left, the computer starts beeping
continuously. If MaxTime is open, it also displays the Emergency
Battery Alert.
Emergency Bat teryAlert!
You have al m ost no battery
capacity le ft on th is ba ttery!
Find an al ternate power source
Disable Audible Bat teryAlarm
The Emergency Battery Alert
When you reach this point, plug the computer into a live power
outlet or save all your files and turn the computer off immediately.
Doing this ensures that you won't lose any work and also provides
relief to everybody around you who's getting tired of the beeping
sound from your computer.