series Robot Controller
2.3 Communication Parameters
The communication rate and transfer data structure of the COM1 port and HOST port
are defined in the user parameter file (USER. PAR).
Communication is performed according to the contents defined under [U06] of the user
parameter file (USER.PAR) in the RAM drive.
[U06] Serial port setting
Specify the communication ports [COM1 port, HOST port].
[U06] Serial port setting
{Speed } (38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200)
{Character} (7, 8)
{Parity } (0:Without, 1:Odd, 2:Even)
{Stop bit } (1, 2)
= 9600 8 0 1
= 9600 8 0 1
(Speed) (Character length) (Parity) (Stop bit length)
(Speed) (Character length) (Parity) (Stop bit length)
– 5 –
COM1 port setting
HOST port setting
STE 80722